Do you like cooking?

Hello, there! How are you doing!
Do you like cooking ? Are you a good cook? If so, perhaps you have a passion for food, don´t you? Or you need to cook for your basic necessities, I would say.  The most important is to do what you really like. Some people don´t like to cook but they like to taste food, and they are really happy for that. :-)

Important note: A recipe is a set of instructions that describes how to prepare or make something, especially a culinary dish.(wikipedia) 

Now, I´ll talk about a project that Keyle did with her students from 8th semester about some recipes. This is about a lesson from the book and talks about preparing meals.She said it was an excellent project because they studied about this subject in class, learned new vocabulary and after some studies,they presented the dish and explained how to prepare it, the ingredients for each dish, the use of imperative in recipes and so on. This way, all students spoke clearly and enjoyed  teaching each other. At last, they also had a snack time.I would say that dynamic classes can be really important and this is an example.

Like listening to music, watching films and reading books, a passion for cooking is a great way for learners to improve their English vocabulary. Not only does it help you with your reading skills (recipes), but it also helps you improve your listening skills especially if you enjoy watching cooking programmes.

 So, whenever is possible, let´s learn by fun!


Here are some information I got from a website about cooking for you to try out different dishes and learn English . Enjoy it!

Food Preparation
Before you start cooking, you need to prepare the food. This could be anything from:
  • washing vegetables like spinach, broccoli,cabbage
  • slicing thinly or thickly onions, carrots, celery
  • peeling carrots, potatoes
  • chopping finely or coarsely or into chunks onions, garlic, ginger, carrots
  • shredding cabbage, cucumber
  • marinating meat
  • whisking the eggs or cream
  • grating cheese
Blog_Cooking VerbsAfter you have prepared the food for cooking you might need to:
  • melt some butter in a pan
  • bring to the boil
  • simmer gently
  • steam some vegetables or fish
  • fry some mushrooms
  • grill the tomatoes
  • roast the vegetables or meat
  • stir-fry some chicken
  • scramble the eggs

While you’re cooking
You will need to:
  • stir gently, constantly or occasionally
  • whisk the hollandaise sauce
  • turn the meat over
  • season with salt and pepper
  • sprinkle some herbs or spices


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