What´s up or what´s app ?

What´s up dude?
Do you have  what´s app?

About a week ago some students came and asked me why I arrived in class saying  ‘hello’ using the name of the Messenger from facebook and google´s Company. I just realized they were talking about the “what´s app”. It was funny because I wasn´t talking about that. I then,explained the difference betwen the two pairs of words. Perhaps they are  similar in pronunciation  and writing but not in meaning.Let´s see:

What´s up:
1-According to the Cambridge Institute it is used  to ask someone what the problem is:
What's up - why is everyone so serious?What's up with Terry?
 2-It is a very usual expression used among kids, adolescents and teenagers in USA and other countries and it is a kind of slang that means the same as “What is new?” or “What’s happening (right now/in your life)?”.
It is used for an informal greeting or conversation. The answer to it ‘if’ you don´t have anything in mind could be:  “not much”, “not too much”, or “hey (man/dude)”

What´s app :

Well, this is an app you can get at android´s playstore.This is a service for smarphones and select features phones that uses  the internet for communication. In addition to text messaging, users can send each other images, video, and audio media messages as well as their location using integrated mapping features. It has been a cellphone´s fever nowadays and  communication has gotten even faster after this.

So, what about your experience with this application. Is it a good mean of communication? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this app?
And don´t be sad. If you´re an adult you can also say : Hey dude, whatzzzzup?? ;-)

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