Phrasal verbs (health and wellness)

Hello students!

How are you feeling?

We sometimes aren´t feeling well at school, at home or even at CLM.It´s due to some health problems that we have. There is a range of vocabulary concerning this issue and some seem to be unknown for many students.
Due to this, I brought some expressions  with phrasal verbs we might use when we are sick or people we know. Let´s see some:

1-“The soccer player passed out due to dehydration.” (you can also say “black out”)
It means he lost consciousness.

2-Oh God, my nose is all stuffed up thanks to my allergies.”
It means it is blocked and air can’t pass through. The opposite of a stuffed up nose is a runny nose – when your nose is dripping liquid mucus.

3- I really hate hangovers. I think I’m gonna throw up.”
It means you want to vomit.

4- “I’m overweight; the doctor says I need to cut down on fried foods.” (you can also say “cut back on”)
It means to reduce.

5- “Don’t get too close to me – I think I’m coming down with a cold.”
It means you´re starting to get sick.

6- “Peter’s father passed away last night. The funeral is on Wednesday.”

It means he died.

Well, phrasal verbs are quite used in everyday English so enjoy learning more on youtube or other sites, you´ll see this can be a very interesting way of speaking as the natives of English do and why not ,correctly, as well.

Take care!

Luzirene Barros

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