Hi dear students,
The question above
sounds really curious, doesn´t it? Which one do you prefer or feel more comfortable, British or American accent?
For sure, this is a
very common question in the English world, mainly when someone decides to learn English.
Although English is spoken all around the world, we are used to focus in one of
the accents among so many we listen to. Many factors contribute to that. There
are some authors, for example, who supports that the American Version of spoken
English is becoming more and more dominant for several reasons. Let´s see an
example to show why American English has a stronger impact on British English
than vice versa:
When you go to UK and
switch on the TV you will see a lot of American shows and movies which, of
course, are shown in the original, American version. Thus, especially young
people watching TV will learn a lot of American vocabulary and phrases which
they easily internalize and use as their own. It follows, modern British
English is much more likely to be influenced by American English than the other
way round because when you live in the US and watch TV you rarely will see a
British show or film. This also happens in other countries which ones have
English as official or second language and countries where people really
communicate using English for fun,to make friends all over or simply for work
or travel.

Modern British
English is heavily influenced by American English, so some contrasts are disappearing.
Pronunciation is sometimes very different, but most American and British speakers
can understand each other easily. It´s important to stress that these differences
are somewhat minor and with the ongoing internationalization of our modern
world they could even said to be diminishing.
Firstly, don´t forget
that there are lots of accents related to English and we must respect them.
Secondly, don´t be shy and choose an accent that fits you better and enjoy this
world. Remember that the most important is to speak English ( Spanish is also
important ;-) ) . Be conscious about the importance of a foreign language and
focus on an everyday practice.
Take care!
Luzirene Barros
Luzirene Barros
2 Comentários
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