Text Messages ( abbreviations)

Hey You!

What´s up?

Nowadays people  surely love to exchange messages and they definitely like texting each other more than having a conversation or a phone call. 
People all around the world download messengers or apps to their cellphones, tablets, i-phones,laptops  and this is really a fever. We know some peripheral  applications such as: what´s app, chat on, kakao talk, e-penpal, hangouts, facebook, skype and chat rooms  from websites, for example. And we do know how they are important for communication,right? Many students don´t know that we also have a different way to write the words or sentences when using English, as we already have the “internetês” in Portuguese. This is not easy at the beggining but with time, everything will be clear.

Now, I´ll let you know some different abbreviations so you can better understand conversations and also learning and practice them using abbs .

Here it goes:

L8R- later
FB- facebook
WP- what´s app
XOXO- hugs and kisses
2DAY- today
PLS- please
B4- before
ILU- I love you
B4N- Bye for now
LUV U- I love you
4U- For you
U2- You too
UAR- You all right ( Are you all right? )
G8- great
FAIK - As Far AS I Know.
AFK - Away From The Keybord
AKA -Also Known As
ASAP - As Soon As Possible.
ASL- Age, Sex, Location.
BBL - Be back later. Tradução
BBS- Be Back in a Second.
BFN- Bye, for now.
BRB- Be Right Back
BTW- By The Way.
CU (ou CYA) see you [later].
FAQ - Frequently Answered Questions.
GTG, G2G- Got to go.
HTH- Hope This Help
IMO- In My Opinion
KINDA- Kind of adv. somewhat, a bit, moderately (slang)
LOL  Laughing Out Loud(lots of laugh,lots of love,lots of luck)
MORF- Male Or Female
NP- No Problem
NRN- No Reply Necessary
OIC - Oh I See
OMG- Oh My God/Gosh/Goodness.
OTOH-d On The Other Hand
PVT- private
THX (ou Tks)- Thanks
TIA- Thanks In Advance.
TTYL- Talk To You Later
FYI: "For Your Information". (in e-mails)
NSFW: "Not Safe for Work",
RLY:  "Really"
RSVP: From French "Répondez S'il Vous Plaît",please


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1 Comentários

  1. THX for your information! How have in your description is really important to know these abbreviations, because English is everywhere. And as in Portuguese, on the Internet, it's common to use abbreviations, so it's better to know than to stop talking with a friend who speaks English because we don't understand anything. In my opinion, it's interesting to see how some abbreviations change, for example, in Portuguese, sometimes we write pvt and means ''pivete'' and in English already has a totally different translation, so you better pay attention to what shortens when write.

    L.S (semester 4)
