Reporter4aDay - Laís Gois

Hi guys, I'm Laís Gois, student of the eighth semester and I'm Reporter for a day. My interviewed is the teacher Luzirene Barros.

Hello Luzirene, why did you choose to be an English teacher?
My first job was in an institution for poor children and I knew some foreign people there. They didnt speak Portuguese at the beginning, only English so I tried to speak with them. The problem was that I didn´t know much English, so I decided to take a course in Fortaleza. As soon as I started the course, I started to practice English with them and it was really awesome!
After this experience I decided to work for the state and started to give classes. Then I realized this was what I wanted to be: English teacher.

When and where did you graduate English?
Well, I´m an English teacher since 1999.However, I got my graduation level in Letters last year at FAK, in Maranguape  but I must tell you I didnt learn English or how to teach English there. I took some English courses at IBEU, SENAC  and POLIGLOTA institute . Then I took  a specialization course in English Teaching area, at ATENEU.

Did you have another profession before being a teacher?
Well, as I said before, I worked in an institution for poor children and that was my first job. I helped  children with their homework.

How long have you worked here in CLM?
I started to work here this year and this is already a passion. I really love to work here and help people to learn this beautiful, important and amazing language.
Now some personal questions, ok! Are you married?
Yes, I am. I´ve been married for 5 years ;-)

Do you have any children?
No, I don´t. I had problems to get pregnant in the past and after having some treatments done, no kids. After that,  I tried to adopt a child but it didn´t work out so I decided it could be my destiny: not to be a mom and life goes on this way.

What do you like to do when you have a free time?
I like hanging out or staying with my family. I also like to access the internet, to watch movies on TV or going to the movies. I like studying other languages too, French, Spanish and German.

Do you have any dream? If so, can you tell me?
Yeahh, lots of ;-) I like travelling so when I have time and money I go somewhere in Brazil or abroad. Thinking about this I´d like to do a student exchange program. Maybe I can go to Canada someday to do that. I want to send a message to the students. If you have a dream, try your best to make it come true. It doesn't matter if you don´t have money or intelligence skills for that. When I was younger I wanted to take a trip to Europe and nobody supported my dream. They always said I was only a dreamer, that I didn´t have money for that. But I did it, three times. The most important is never  give up. Maybe you can change what you want but you shouldn´t stop dreaming, alright? ;-)

So guys, that was my interview. I hope you liked!

Thank you so much!

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