Hey there!!
Do you like tongue-twisters? They can be kind of fun sometimes and of course they can help you to improve your speaking ability and understand better the contractions and vocabulary.
I´ll show you a video and some sentences for you to practice and have fun, ok? First, try to say them slowly until you can be sure you´re pronouncing correctly and then after , show your friends you can say it loud and perfect! :-)
Red lorry, yellow lorry”
“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where are the pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?”
“Three grey geese in green fields grazing.”
“Mixed biscuits, mixed biscuits.”
“Swan swam over the pond, Swim swan swim! Swan swam back again - Well swum swan!”
some examples of tongue twisters
PS:A tongue-twister is a phrase designed to be difficult to articulate properly, correctly and quickly. It consists on attempting to recite a tricky rhyme or phrase as fast as possible without making mistakes on the pronounce challenges and hurdles lurking within these tongue-tying* sentences. An example of a tongue twister isThe sixth sick sheikh's sixth sheep's sick, which is supposedly the hardest tongue-twister in the English language according to Guinness World Records.
more of this:http://www.solinguainglesa.com.br/conteudo/tongue_twisters.php
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