How was your tests? ;-)

Hello dear students!!

You did your exams in the last two weeks and the teachers are talking to you about them around these days, aren´t they? So, how was it? Did you go well? If so, congratulations! 

Tests sometimes can be really difficult but they can be also easy if the students study hard for them. Teachers have always some tips or information to give their students so they can do a good test. If you haven´t got good grades lately, try to do different next time, ok? There´s always a second chance.

Best wishes from all teachers!

Take a look at these tips  and do better tests!

Get a good night's sleep, and eat a good breakfast. Eat protein that morning-for the brain benefits.

Bring everything you need: pens, pencils, erasers, calculator, etc. Don't keep mooching off of your friends. They may not have extras all the time.

When you get the exam, look it over carefully first. Listen for any additional comments the teacher gives on questions and write in changes when appropriate.

Read each question carefully . There is no worse mistake than, answering what has not been asked.

If you finish early, look through all your answers again. Give special attention to questions with underlined words. Don't stop working until the final bell.

If you finish early, maybe you missed answering all the questions. Don't ever cheat. You could get caught, and get a zero. Or worse.

 If you copy wrong answers from a neighbor, teachers are quick to notice this. Forever and after, teachers will know you as, "The Cheat". Spend the effort you might devote to cheating, on doing the best possible job you can honestly.

 If you fail, use the experience to motivate yourself for the next test.

Never EVER talk to your friends during test conditions. This might mean that you will not concentrate and you will not get the level that you were expecting to get.

Keep concentrated on what the teacher placed the most emphasis in class. It can be the main part of the test.

While studying just before the test, write down very basic notes on what you find hardest to remember. Just before the test, memorize these notes; this will load them into your short term memory.

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