Happy Valentines!

Good Morning, everyone! Today is Sunday and also the day of lovers and true friendship, the worldwide famous Valentine’s day. It is always celebrated on February 14th around the world but Brazil. In our country we party it on June 12th. Well, do you know who Valentine was?

He was a priest in Rome who was martyred and killed about AD 264 because helped the Christians to escape this persecution, and provided them the sacraments, such as marriage. Rome forbade its soldiers to get married because they thought that married men did not make good soldiers.

Nowadays, the Valentine’s day is connected to romantic love and true friendship. The modern idea of the holiday was developed in the 19th century in England. The customs include sending cards, flowers and chocolate boxes to the ones beloved.
Are you in love?
My name is Dario and I love English!

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12 Comentários

  1. "Love is a source of reflection, deep as eternity , high as the sky, vast as the universe. " Happy Valentine's Day
    To: Laila Laise

  2. "Is only love , who knows what is true!" - Urban Legion

  3. Andreza Fernandes, 1A.
    Good afternoon everybody!
    Love is, like everybody know, one feeling very beautiful and pure.
    Many peoples lost hope in the love, like this many people get lost in it, too.
    Many peoples think that love is something unique provider only of a husband or boyfriend.
    What these people barely know is that love is all. Love is life. Love is affection, understanding. Love is sweet. Love is contained in everything that is done with the heart.
    Love breaks. Love it fixes. Love is lost. Love is found. Love resumes.
    That's why that we should love at any cost, to any person we can captivate.
    "And when your fears subside
    And shadows still remain
    I know that you can love me
    When there's no one left to blame
    So never mind the darkness
    We still can find a way
    Nothing last forever
    Even a cold November rain

    Don't ya think that you need somebody
    Don't ya think that you need someone
    Everybody needs somebody
    You're not the only one
    You're not the only one"
    November Rain- Guns N' Roses
    Bye! And not forget of the Love!

  4. The love have reasons that the reason itself doens't knopw... Happy Valentine's Day!!

  5. "We keep this love in a photograph

    We made these memories for ourselves..."

  6. I enjoyed the site , very constructive and makes life easier for all of us.

  7. Hello friends, happy Valentine's Day. Teke the opportunity to win that person and make new friendship.

  8. I loved this text!! "Love is our resistance."

  9. I loved this text. Love is our resistance!!

  10. Happy valentine day....
    Love is not a place
    To come and go as we please
    It's a house we enter in
    Then commit to never leave

  11. Happy valentine day....
    Love is not a place
    To come and go as we please
    It's a house we enter in
    Then commit to never leave

  12. Happy valentine day....
    Love is not a place
    To come and go as we please
    It's a house we enter in
    Then commit to never leave
