Tips to be proud of yourself and get excellent grades ;-)

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Hi students!

Welcome back to your English classses!

I was just wondering about  the way students see school stuff and organization. It looks different nowadays,doesn´t it? Many students get surprised when a colleague gets and A+ or just know an asnwer for something that seems to be really hard to know.

There are many reasons for that. I´d say the most important one is that those types of students study a lot and are also organized. However, there is much more than that behind all the excellent results.

If you are someone who has difficult to learn something like pronunciation or write an excellent essay. If you like challenges or being challenged,just get ready to change your grades and even the way other people see you. I´d also say that if you want to get a good job and travel around the world, improve your learning strategies and conquer your goals!
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Today I bring you some tips on how to get better in school. Are you learning a language or two?
 That´s for you!

  Mix with the right friends.  Socialize with different circles of friends who have the same interests like you and accept you for the person you are. Try to make friends from abroad. They might speak other language so you can share interests in the language you´re learning.
Resultado de imagen para excellent students

 Sleep early. Sleeping early can help you become fresher in the mornings and can help you think clearly. If you don't sleep early, you will be very sleepy in class and you will lose focus. A teen needs about 8-10 hours of sleep a day. Make sure that you at least get 8 hours into your sleep routine.

 Never let anyone bring you down. If you're planning to go to a good college or make that trip to the other side of the ocean and you're always reading books in school because of that, never let any of your friends demoralize you. If they call you a "nerd", that is fine; but you can choose to ignore them instead of absorbing their teases or stopping your studies. They are the ones who will regret when the exam results are out and they didn't score well or even when they see a picture of you having fun in New York.

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Pay attention in class. If you don't, you might not understand what your teacher is teaching you. Do not talk to your friends in Portuguese or pass notes. Refrain from daydreaming as this can cause you to lose focus completely. Dedicate yourself to studying and learning the curriculum or the topic the teacher just talked about, like the use of the modal verbs.

Follow instructions. If you follow the instructions your teachers are giving you, you will be a smart student in no time! If you don't follow instructions, you may misread a question, which will affect your exam grades. Speak as much as possible in the target language.

  Study. Always study so you can memorize what you have learned. Your teacher might give a little quiz from time to time about everything you learned before, and if you're not prepared, you will not do well. Learning the rules is important but learing the list of verbs in the simple past, for example, is quite more.

Study for all your exams and tests. Don't do it one day before the test/exam, though. You will never remember anything after the test. Learning a language must be an everyday exercise, practice through diferente ways like listening to songs and translating them, watching series or movies without subtitles , having a penfriend from other country and starting to exchange cards or letters, that´s awersome!
Resultado de imagen para travellingBecome more organized. Being organized will help you find the right papers at the right time. Being unorganized will probably lead to missing papers and homework.

Prioritize. Which is more important, Facebook,instagram or your homework? Always set up a schedule and plan ahead. Do the stuff that is more important first before anything else.

Take down notes in school or at your language school. Whenever the teacher is talking non-stop and you can't remember your lessons, write down whatever he/she is saying. Go home and revise lessons. If you have problems you can always ask the teacher after class hours.

I hope you become a better student with those tips.
Take good care of you!

Luzirene Barros

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